Tuesday, October 5, 2010

i'm a bird. i take flight.

WARNING: This is an emo post. Skip reading this if you can't tolerate emotional reads.

These are true events in my life that tells me that I'm a bird.

1. The bus I was riding zig-zagged along EDSA and finally crashed to a tree in Crame due to reckless driving. I was injured.  I had cuts and bruises all over and a few of my bones got sprained. Instead of staying in the accident scene and be interviewed by the policemen and receive due assistance from the bus Operator, I hailed a cab and went to work. I'm a bird. I take flight.

2. Once, a sweet-faced girl betrayed the "unspoken ally" between girls and evaded my relationship with my long-time boyfriend. Unlike other girls, I never confronted the girl. Not even a single text or email. I just stayed quite all throughout the whole ordeal until my boyfriend called it quits. A few months ago, the girl reached out to me and apologized for what she did. I told her to forget about the incident but I can't be chummies with her just like what she wants. I don't fight. I'm a bird. I take flight.

3. Recently, I felt bad about an "uncalled for" incident in the workplace. I might be over-reacting. I might be overly sensitive but I just really felt bad about it. I never knew how it is to have panic attacks until that fateful day. No one knows about this because like I always do, I stay mum all throughout the whole ordeal. I do not wish to talk about this in detail but maybe with this brief explanation, people might understand the effect of that small incident on me. I never had encountered anything like that maybe because I was a "sheltered" girl. Nonetheless, I take that my feelings are valid so like I always do in times like this, I choose flight than fight. I'm a bird. I take flight.

It's probably not the smartest thing to do especially if the consequences of taking flight are too high. Right now, although I disagree, I have to accept that even though I've given them the most sincere service that I can give them, I will leave with a bad reputation. It's unfair on my part because in my point of view, I was the one who was oppressed. But even with these high stakes, I still choose to take flight because I can't suck it up anymore. I wish that someday, people will remember my goodness instead of that one incident that caused me this much. Maybe someday, I will also find it in my heart to forgive but right now, I choose the easiest way out, to take flight.


  1. birds of the same feather flock together
    i somewhat know what you're feeling right now

    don't worry tih. we support you all the way. ibagsak ang mga mapanlinlang. hihi



  2. aawww... Thanks Nimmy! Regards to all our friends there. Di ko pa kayo namimiss at this point kase tulog lang ako palagi but I know, pagbalik ko sa real world (job hunting, working for a new company) mamimiss ko kayo ng sobra!!! i'll be back for my clearance soon. We'll still see each other. Tsaka we have that CDO-Camiguin trip pa. Mwah!!!

  3. Glee, why so sudden? you know that "fateful day" i was also "banas" as in "banas na banas"

    Hay.. mamimiss kita ... :(

  4. that wasn't the only time. there have been similar instances before but I choose to stay quite about it. that "fateful day" served as a last straw for me. i couldn't find it in myself to still go to work and act like there's nothing wrong when everything is just so wrong. i don't encourage you to do the same thing as i did. the consequences are immense. it just so happens that I can stomach those consequences but not to risk having the same incident happen all over again. i'll miss you too but we will stay friends. :)

  5. we are with you Glee.. what ever made your decision to leave, we highly bow on that.. maybe sooner will do the same thing too...

    friendship will always stay.. virtual communication will always be..

    We sure have time together again whenever we want to...

    and we will surely miss our saturday shifts... tsk tsk tsk...

    GLEE: huggs: mwah mwah mwah

  6. lift your face up high and take the flight! minsan it's much better to do this rather than make a commotion.

    hope everything's well. if i'm not mistaken i read sa blog ni nimmy about you leaving?

    HUg! :D

  7. @Brix - syempre naman. i'll be back for my clearance. kitakits! probably next week. :)

    @Doc Ced - thanks for those kind words. yup, i'm ok and i think things will be much better soon. at least no one gets to bully me. hahaha! hugs back! :D
